
I'm sick and tired off everything, school sucks, things at home suck, i have doubts about everything in my life now, unsure of the fact that i might even still be breathing at the breaking of the dawn tomorrow. 3 more months and i would be out of this hell-hole, i  have no idea what to do next, or even what i want. I also know what i don't want but am unsure of how to avoid these same things. Sigh* I lack self confidence and its dragging me slowly, i need a boost (anything) to get out of this state because i don't want to remain stagnant.
Being unsure of anything kills and its amazing because we are unsure of everything in dis darn life, everyone expects too much from me, i really don't know how much i can give, how much faith i could actually have, how much i could persevere, how much I'm allowed to want, how much i could actually get, or even how to stop this ranting> All i know is i don't want to die slowly inside or have regrets for never being good enough or never trying hard enough.
Everybody claims to have a complicated life i wont say my life is, (Just cause i don't want to sound a bit cliché) but im evolving to a perfectionist and its getting harder to handle since im quite the
psycho- analyst. i feel nauseous every time, outward health, Internal sickness.


  1. just calm down aii..
    ..it always seem lyk that. buh trust me..evrythin just somhow always sort itself out. i'll say focus on the 3months left for now.

  2. Just live life, it's too short for worry..what's the worst that could happen..


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