Spilling out

I Have never really been the type that was talked about or noticed every single time, i liked being the underdog*, only people worthy of me where good enough , people that could see beyond the face, the weaves or the makeup, and could have a sexually stimulating brain conversation with, those were the kind of people i longed to meet and still do.

 A series of unfortunate events occurred a while ago which shocked me but o well (People would always talk as long as they have mouths)
Words Matter!. Whether written or spoken , it has the power to colour the world, with life or death. because we live in a hyper-communicative society, our communication extends thousands of miles in a matter of seconds, from cellphones to twitter (oh wait lets stop dere first *) I forgot to mention i made a LIST on twitter once, Hilarious init,  it wasn't a good list either like wifeables* and all that shit load of BS , it was the whores list :/D . My handle came up as No 11 on the list (at least i wasn't top ten)
 I was shocked when i woke up that morning and saw like a hundred twitter mentions and pings from my friends asking me how my name got there. (When am such a saint. coffs :) ) , Lea Michelle tweeted once that the minute you start getting rumours spread about you * You've made it*. Well that wasn't the case in mine i am no lea Michelle and even tho i can hold a note, i don't think anybody really cares.

The list was poorly constructed , i was disappointed frankly . If you have the nerve to blog about something like that , that would be seen by everybody , at-least make it readable.
 That was probably the saddest thing about the blog and said quite alot about the guy who joblessly  constructed it . Ok lets continue*

Often we text or email what we refuse to say in person, or blog to an unknown audience about the most random stuff  because we feel a measure of safety behind the inanimate keyboard beneath our fingers.
Frustrations are bound to arise when we live in a relationship with others, like paint soaking into carpeting , well words cant be gathered up and their effects held back. crusting our hearts , harsh words continue to speak long after we've had our say even in the shortest texts , the quickest tweet .
Wrongfully perceiving electronic communication to be benign , we are still accountable -maybe even more so, for what we write. Erasing our sent boxes only takes a moment, words we wrote lasts a life time.
We can say we are just venting or even claim our arrows are well deserved but the facts still remains, if we claim to be sane and we don't control our tongues or our fingers . then maybe sanity is pointless.


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