
When you meet someone and they are a mirror image of you
They think like you, dream like you, Breathe like you
You start to see yourself in the eyes of the world, some cases perfect, sometimes not
This case, it was perfect, few rough edges, but we are nothing without those
He dreamt like me, felt like me, was me
It wasn’t love or lust, it was just pure Narcissistic Love for your kind  Loving yourself through your own eyes
He didn’t realize how alike we were, it was fine from a distance
Everything was fine from a distance
You don’t want to get too close and ruin everything
This sheer image you startle at from afar
Daydreaming and wondering if, the ones who have once proclaimed love ever Ogled this way
Whether they understood the depth of your being
You feel like a masterpiece, because all you see is Gold

 But then you eventually start to get close,
You start to feel for this façade of perfection
You imagine how one person could be so unreal
Then you feel Abhorrence or Disgust,
Because you realize how bitter and dark you are
And you wonder if they are the same way, or if God decided to show mercy
You know your darkness always breaks forth to destroy every good thing your light struggled to breathe
You know you’re twisted, they are too, but just how twisted?
Should they remain at arm’s length or should you draw them close
What sort of Chemical Eruption would occur if these two souls merge?
That would be the easiest thing ever, simply because you feel what they feel,
They tick like you ,

The idea of falling in love with yourself in the shape of someone else Would it really be the best thing in the world, or would it be predictable
Or will the mystery behind that, hunt you
The idea of them finishing your sentences, and understanding your silent screams
Simply because they are you and they don’t have to try
They explore your mind through their eyes without a doubt,
They act out your fantasies, just because they fantasize the same way
You don’t have to try, you’re an open book to them and them alone
They fill out the bits and pieces, but with the same tile
Having your soul entwined and tangled up with a replica of its being
The idea of this is intriguing, yet scary.

 Scary because…………..
In actual fact you’re afraid of what you’ve become
Experiences have left tire marks on your mind tracks
You dread the non-committal you, you consider the position commitment puts your hitherto freedom in jeopardy.
An arm of radiography is born, You X-ray, Search, Dig, and Recreate. For every reason to believe they are a far cry from you
You mind starts to play tricks on you, Lies are deceit are sown. He becomes divergent .You believe
With fingers interwoven and carefully placed behind your head
You marvel, you are in awe at what your mind accomplished
You love them even more, why? You see in them a fragment of you and the Lies.
The perfect combination. You love them both.
You accept these things, because the truth is overrated
But in all these there is still fear, Fear that they may put their mind to work just like you
And Start to change you in reality, you love them, but you don’t want to be perfect

Then you realize , it won’t be long till the fun stops


  1. Be perfect for you...even if imperfection is your perfection....alwz DO YOU!!!!....


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